How to escape Twig delimiters in a Twig template?

Twig uses the {{ }}, {% %}, {# #} delimiters.

But how can I display {{ }} in a Twig template? I'm not talking about HTML escaping.

I ask the question as I want to include a mustache template in my Twig template so that I will fill with data coming from an AJAX call.

The easiest way is to output the variable delimiter ({{) by using a variable expression:

{{ '{{' }}

Alternatives (used when you have to escape too much) are raw (verbatim since 1.12) blocks:

{% raw %}
    {% for item in seq %}
        <li>{{ item }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endraw %}

Actually, it's quite well documented.

The Twig documentation gives two suggestions. The first is simply to output a string:

{{ '{{' }}

Otherwise, if you want to output a long section (it sounds like you do) you can use the raw tag:

{% raw %}
    your mustache content here
{% endraw %}