How do I batch sql statements with package database/sql

Solution 1:

Since the db.Exec function is variadic, one option (that actually does only make a single network roundtrip) is to construct the statement yourself and explode the arguments and pass them in.

Sample code:

func BulkInsert(unsavedRows []*ExampleRowStruct) error {
    valueStrings := make([]string, 0, len(unsavedRows))
    valueArgs := make([]interface{}, 0, len(unsavedRows) * 3)
    for _, post := range unsavedRows {
        valueStrings = append(valueStrings, "(?, ?, ?)")
        valueArgs = append(valueArgs, post.Column1)
        valueArgs = append(valueArgs, post.Column2)
        valueArgs = append(valueArgs, post.Column3)
    stmt := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO my_sample_table (column1, column2, column3) VALUES %s", 
                        strings.Join(valueStrings, ","))
    _, err := db.Exec(stmt, valueArgs...)
    return err

In a simple test I ran, this solution is about 4 times faster at inserting 10,000 rows than the Begin, Prepare, Commit presented in the other answer - though the actual improvement will depend a lot on your individual setup, network latencies, etc.

Solution 2:

If you’re using PostgreSQL then pq supports bulk imports.

Solution 3:

Adapting Andrew's solution for PostgreSQL, which doesn't support the ? placeholder, the following works:

func BulkInsert(unsavedRows []*ExampleRowStruct) error {
    valueStrings := make([]string, 0, len(unsavedRows))
    valueArgs := make([]interface{}, 0, len(unsavedRows) * 3)
    i := 0
    for _, post := range unsavedRows {
        valueStrings = append(valueStrings, fmt.Sprintf("($%d, $%d, $%d)", i*3+1, i*3+2, i*3+3))
        valueArgs = append(valueArgs, post.Column1)
        valueArgs = append(valueArgs, post.Column2)
        valueArgs = append(valueArgs, post.Column3)
    stmt := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO my_sample_table (column1, column2, column3) VALUES %s", strings.Join(valueStrings, ","))
    _, err := db.Exec(stmt, valueArgs...)
    return err