How to create a new directory and switch into it from the command line? [closed]

Solution 1:

To create a new directory from the command line, you can use the mkdir command as such:

mkdir name_of_new_directory [name_of_new_directory_2] ...

You can switch into a directory from the command line using the cd command as such:

cd name_of_existing_directory

Applying the above to your example, you can use:

mkdir ~/CSIS536

The tilde (~) is a symbol that corresponds to your home directory, whatever that might be in your system. For example, if your home directory is "/home/myusername", then the above command is equivalent to:

mkdir /home/myusername/CSIS536

You can, then, use the cd command to switch into the newly-created directory:

cd ~/CSIS536

Also, if you'll be working with Ubuntu or GNU/Linux in general, it'd be a good idea to get your head around the directory structure and absolute vs relative paths, so look into that.