Why is the "repo" package unavailable in Ubuntu 20.04? How can I install it?

Solution 1:

I encountered this issue as well and I solved it by manually installing repo from the repo installation page:

Taken from the install instructions:

mkdir -p ~/.bin
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/.bin/repo
chmod a+rx ~/.bin/repo

Solution 2:

I didn't want to add eoan to my /etc/apt/sources.list file permanently so I downloaded the packages manually:

  • python-kerberos from https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/python-kerberos
  • repo from https://packages.ubuntu.com/eoan/repo

I then installed them using sudo dpkg -i <filename>, python-kerberos first.

Solution 3:

I have managed to install repo by downloading and installing repo and it dependency python-kerberos from eoan repositories from https://packages.ubuntu.com. To install, type these commands and hit enter:

apt update
apt install gnupg python

This to ensure that all dependencies are installed. Now download repo and it's dependency python-kerberos as described above.