Mind maps of Advanced Mathematics and various branches thereof

I would like to get a list of mind maps of advanced mathematics topics. As an example, I have posted one below. I would be happy if you post such other maps. Making one and posting it here is also encouraged.

However, I am specifically not interested in those diagrams that pertain to either high school mathematics or an intricate web of highly specialized theorems. enter image description here

Many thanks!

Here is a mind map by Konrad Voelkel that I understand and which was quite helpful when I was going to revise for an exam in Complex Analysis.

enter image description here

And another that is beyond my head presently and probably way beyond this site too ;-) is the following which appeared here.(I keep this as a souvenir of how much abstraction there is in mathematics! I hope you would, too.)

enter image description here

Although it is a bit messy, you may be interested in the following map:

enter image description here

If anyone knows who made it, please let me know!

Although I do not know whether you call it a mind map or not, the Periodic Table of Finite Simple Groups was a recent brainchild of Ivan Andrus, described in more detail in his blog post.

In picture, here it is:

clickable image

I just found a fantastic map titled "A Map of the L-functions and Modular Forms Database" here.

The best way to view it including the alt text is by clicking through to get to the original website or observe the picture below

enter image description here