Can I get Steam to stop annoying me with notifications that I've earned a nickel?

Steam has trading cards. Great. Now I have a bunch of nigh-worthless digital bits to get rid of.

Fortunately, the Market provides an easy way to do that! I can recoup pennies on the dollar from the cost of my poor choices during a given Steam sale by selling the trading cards!

However, since they're only worth a nickel or three, I don't really care that any given card has sold. I do however, want to know when the occasional valuable item sells for a buck or three, and I also don't want to just blacklist the email address to my spam folder, because it's the same address that Important Things like receipts for my ill-advised purchases comes from.

Is there any way to get Steam to throttle these notifications so that my phone will stop beeping every 9 seconds with a notification that my FTL card that I never cared about has sold for 12 cents?

Solution 1:

I'm afraid there's no way to opt out of these recipt emails from Steam. However, if you use Gmail, you can create a filter.

Click > Settings
Gear > Settings

Filters tab > Create a new filter
Create a new filter

Put [email protected] in the From field and You have sold an item on the Community Market in the Subject field then click Create filter with this search
Create filter with this search

Finally, if you wish to archive but not delete it, check Skip the Inbox (Archive it) and then click Create Filter
Skip the Inbox, Create Filter

Solution 2:

I checked out the email preferences page. According to it, even if you opt-out of all email marketing communication, you will still receive "purchase receipts, Steam Guard access codes, and other account-related notifications." So I don't think it's possible to disable them.

As an alternative to disabling them directly though, you could probably configure your email account to automatically delete them or mark them as read using Gmail's filters or Outlook's rules on stuff with the subject "You have sold an item on the Community Market".