Bluetooth not working on Raspberry Pi (Ubuntu 20.04)

I have installed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS successful on a Raspberry Pi 4.

However I cannot get the Bluetooth to work. In settings it says no Bluetooth found - plug in a dongle to use.

I have an identical Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspian and the Bluetooth works fine. When I run Bluetooth manager it just runs and closes.

I found an answer for this on the raspberry pi forum - very simple: Install the pi-bluetooth package:

sudo apt install pi-bluetooth
sudo reboot

I was able to get it working following the answer here but I found I needed to run the attach command twice:

$ sudo hciattach /dev/ttyAMA0 bcm43xx 921600 -
Initialization timed out.

$ sudo hciattach /dev/ttyAMA0 bcm43xx 921600 -
Set Controller UART speed to 921600 bit/s
Flash firmware /etc/firmware/brcm/BCM4345C0.hcd
Set Controller UART speed to 921600 bit/s
Device setup complete