Running Rogue Legacy on Linux

Please follow the guide provided in AskUbuntu to Correctly Configure and Install Wine which I made for cases like this.

After doing so then you can see in the Wine AppDB for Rogue Legacy the components needed for it which I also worked on. There is no additional steps apart from using the correct updated/configured Wine version and installing the needed components which, as you mentioned are the .NET Framework and/or Mono 2.10.

After running winetricks (The gui window) should show you that you have mono installed (And any other additional components. You can see which you need in the askubuntu answer I provided).

Additionally, and aside from the above mentioned, when running a Windows executable app with Wine, you should know 3 things:

  1. Some apps DO NOT execute if the executable file is not in the same folder where you are actually executing wine. For example:

    wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Rogue\ Legacy/RogueLegacy.exe 

    Will NOT WORK but

    cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Rogue\ Legacy
    wine RogueLegacy.exe 


  2. When adding the location of a Windows executable and it contains names with spaces in them, it is always better to double quote the location than it is to simply assume it will work. For example the above can work better like this:

    wine ~/.wine/drive_c/"Program Files (x86)/Rogue Legacy"/RogueLegacy.exe
  3. Some games do not play well on a 64 bit environment. Since I see you have "Program Files (x86) with you, this just means you have Ubuntu 64 bit and simply installed Wine which by default takes the ARCH type of the Host system, in your case 64 bit. Please see the guide for Wine which talks about this.

So with this 3 points in mind and the guides, you should have a nice play of, not only this game but many MANY others.

Specific solution based on @CYREX's generic answer:

  1. Remove all Wine-related applications and ~/.wine
  2. Install Wine 1.6 or newer
  3. Install the dependencies with

    export WINEARCH=win32
    winetricks xna40

    During this I got a bunch of err and fixme messages, including the following:

    xna40 does not install properly in wine yet
    dotnet40 does not yet fully work or install on wine.  Caveat emptor.

    However, the exit code is 0, so I guess it worked. Installing the game worked fine:

    wine ~/download/games/RogueLegacyv1.0.10a.exe
    wine ~/download/games/RogueLegacyPatchv1.0.12c.exe
  4. It works!

    cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Rogue\ Legacy/
    wine RogueLegacy.exe

There is now an official Linux port available.