Twilight Zelda Guardian Puzzle : Shortest Path (UPDATE: ADDED RULES)
Solution 1:
Under a few assumptions, I compute that the shortest path requires 12 steps; the player should make the moves ESNNNWWSSSEN. (This is one step shorter than the two solutions you linked to.) The assumptions I made are:
- Entities which would step out of the game board do not move.
- All three entities step simultaneously.
- The player may not make a move which would cause an entity to change their location to one that is currently occupied. (Remaining in place is okay.)
- The player may not remain in place.
- The player may not make a move which would cause two entities to occupy the same cell.
Below I include a full code listing (in Haskell) which describes the game and performs A* search as implemented by the astar package to find a minimal path. As a heuristic, we consider the two ways of pairing guardians and goal cells; in each pairing, we compute the Manhattan distance of the guardian that has farther to walk, then take the smaller maximum distance from these two pairings. This is certainly admissible, since we must take at least as many steps as the guardians are away from their goal cells. Assumption (1) is encoded in stepValid
; (2) in unsafeMove
; (3)-(5) in movementIsValid
. Shorter solutions may be possible if these assumptions are incorrect.
import Data.List
import Data.Graph.AStar
import Data.Ord
import Data.Set (Set, fromList)
type Position = (Int, Int)
data Direction = N | E | S | W deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Enum)
allDirections :: [Direction]
allDirections = [N, E, S, W]
mirror :: Direction -> Direction
mirror N = S
mirror E = W
mirror S = N
mirror W = E
dx, dy :: Direction -> Int
dx E = 1
dx W = -1
dx _ = 0
dy N = 1
dy S = -1
dy _ = 0
step :: Direction -> Position -> Position
step d (x, y) = (x + dx d, y + dy d)
data Configuration = Configuration
{ valid :: [Position]
, goalA :: Position
, goalB :: Position
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
data State = State
{ player :: Position
, guardianSame :: Position
, guardianMirror :: Position
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
stepValid :: Configuration -> Direction -> Position -> Position
stepValid c d p
| p' `elem` valid c = p'
| otherwise = p
where p' = step d p
unsafeMove :: Configuration -> Direction -> State -> State
unsafeMove c d State { player = p, guardianSame = gs, guardianMirror = gm } = State
{ player = stepValid c d p
, guardianSame = stepValid c d gs
, guardianMirror = stepValid c (mirror d) gm
movementIsValid :: State -> State -> Bool
movementIsValid old new
= player new `notElem` oldPositions
&& guardianSame new `notElem` delete (guardianSame old) oldPositions
&& guardianMirror new `notElem` delete (guardianMirror old) oldPositions
&& nub newPositions == newPositions
newPositions = [player new, guardianSame new, guardianMirror new]
oldPositions = [player old, guardianSame old, guardianMirror old]
movements :: Configuration -> State -> Set State
movements c old = fromList
[ new
| d <- allDirections
, let new = unsafeMove c d old
, movementIsValid old new
manhattan :: Position -> Position -> Int
manhattan (x, y) (x', y') = abs (x-x') + abs (y-y')
heuristic :: Configuration -> State -> Int
heuristic c s = min
(max (manhattan (guardianSame s) (goalA c)) (manhattan (guardianMirror s) (goalB c)))
(max (manhattan (guardianSame s) (goalB c)) (manhattan (guardianMirror s) (goalA c)))
cost :: State -> State -> Int
cost _ _ = 1
finished :: Configuration -> State -> Bool
finished c s = heuristic c s == 0
data Cell = Player | Goal | GuardianSame | GuardianMirror | Valid
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Enum)
label :: String -> [(Position, Cell)]
label board = do
(y, row) <- zip [0..] (reverse (lines board))
(x, char) <- zip [0..] row
let cell c = [((x, y), c)]
case char of
'x' -> cell Valid
'g' -> cell Goal
's' -> cell GuardianSame
'm' -> cell GuardianMirror
'p' -> cell Player
_ -> []
parse :: String -> (Configuration, State)
parse board = (Configuration
{ valid = map fst labels
, goalA = gA
, goalB = gB
}, State
{ player = p
, guardianSame = gs
, guardianMirror = gm
labels = label board
(p, Player):(gA, Goal):(gB, Goal):(gs, GuardianSame):(gm, GuardianMirror):_
= sortBy (comparing snd) labels
(testConfiguration, testState) = parse
"xx xx\n\
\ xpx \n\
\ xxx \n\
\ s \n"
main = case aStar (movements testConfiguration) cost (heuristic testConfiguration) (finished testConfiguration) testState of
Nothing -> putStrLn "no solution exists for the test board"
Just solution -> mapM_ print solution
Solution 2:
I built the game in Mathematica using the rules I think you're trying to accomplish. Here is the code if you have Mathematica:
bound = {{2, -1}, {2, 5}, {1, 0}, {3, 0}, {0, 1}, {4, 1}, {0, 2}, {4,
2}, {-1, 3}, {5, 3}, {-1, 4}, {5, 4}, {-1, 5}, {5, 5}, {0, 6}, {1,
6}, {3, 6}, {4, 6}}
DynamicModule[{pos1 = {x1, y1} = {2, 2}, pos2 = {x2, y2} = {2, 4},
pos3 = {x3, y3} = {2, 0}, message = "Start",
DotT = {a2, b2} = {x2, (y2 - 0.51)},
DotL = {a1, b1} = {x1, (y1 + 0.51)},
DotB = {a3, b3} = {x3, (y3 + 0.51)}, Switch = True, Stick = False},
Style[Text[message, {2, 5}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", Small,
Gray, FontSize -> 15], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{0, 5}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{0, 4}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{0, 3}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{1, 5}, .35], Yellow, Disk[{1, 4}, .35],
EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]], Cyan, Disk[{1, 3}, .35],
EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]], Cyan, Disk[{3, 5}, .35],
Yellow, Disk[{3, 4}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{3, 3}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{4, 5}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{4, 4}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{4, 3}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{1, 1}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{2, 1}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{3, 1}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{1, 2}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{2, 2}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{3, 2}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{2, 0}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{2, 3}, .35], EdgeForm[Directive[Thick, Magenta]],
Cyan, Disk[{2, 4}, .35], Darker[Green, 0.5],
Style[Text[\[NeutralSmiley], pos1], FontSize -> 36], Blue,
Style[Text[\[FreakedSmiley], pos2], FontSize -> 48], Orange,
Style[Text[\[FreakedSmiley], pos3],
FontSize -> 48]}]]], {"UpArrowKeyDown" :> {message = "",
Switch = True, Stick = False,
If[(**){x1, y1 + 1} == {x2, y2 - 1} || {x1, y1 + 1} == {x2,
y2} || {x1, y1 + 1} == {x3, y3} || {x3, y3 + 1} == {x2,
y2 - 1} || {x3, y3 + 1} == {x2,
y2}, {Which[{x3, y3 + 1} == {x2, y2 - 1}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1 + 1}}, pos2 = pos2,
pos3 = pos3}, {x3, y3 + 1} == {x2, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1 + 1}}, pos2 = pos2,
pos3 = pos3}, {x1, y1 + 1} == {x2, y2 - 1}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = 2, y1 = 2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = 2, y2 = 4}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = 2, y3 = 0}},
message = "Gameover", DotT = {2, (4 - .51)},
DotL = {2, (2 + .51)}, DotB = {2, (0 + .51)},
Switch = False}, {x1, y1 + 1} == {x2, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}}}, {x1,
y1 + 1} == {x3, y3}, {Which[
bound, {{x3, y3 + 1}}] == {{x3, y3 + 1}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}}}, {x3,
y3 + 1} == {x2, y2 - 1}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = 2, y1 = 2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = 2, y2 = 4}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = 2, y3 = 0}},
message = "Gameover", DotT = {2, (4 - .51)},
DotL = {2, (2 + .51)}, DotB = {2, (0 + .51)},
Switch = False},
bound, {{x3, y3 + 1}}] != {{x3, y3 + 1}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1 + 1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2 - 1}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3,
y3 = y3 +
1}}}]}]}, {If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x1, y1 + 1}}] == {{x1, y1 + 1}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}}, Stick = True},
pos1 = pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1 + 1}}],
If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x2, y2 - 1}}] == {{x2, y2 - 1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
If[Stick == True,
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2 - 1}}]],
If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x3, y3 + 1}}] == {{x3, y3 + 1}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}},
If[Stick == True,
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3 + 1}}]]}],
If[Switch == True, {DotT = {a2 = x2, b2 = y2 - .51},
DotL = {a1 = x1, b1 = y1 + .51},
DotB = {a3 = x3, b3 = y3 + .51}}], Switch = True,
If[{x2, y2} == {1, 4} && {x3, y3} == {3, 4} || {x3, y3} == {1,
4} && {x2, y2} == {3, 4}, message = "Win"]},
"DownArrowKeyDown" :> {message = "", Switch = True, Stick = False,
If[(**){x1, y1 - 1} == {x2, y2 + 1} || {x1, y1 - 1} == {x2,
y2} || {x1, y1 - 1} == {x3, y3} || {x3, y3 - 1} == {x2,
y2 + 1} || {x3, y3 - 1} == {x2,
y2}, {Which[{x3, y3 - 1} == {x2, y2 + 1}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1 - 1}}, pos2 = pos2,
pos3 = pos3}, {x3, y3 - 1} == {x2, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1 - 1}}, pos2 = pos2,
pos3 = pos3}, {x1, y1 - 1} == {x2, y2 + 1}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = 2, y1 = 2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = 2, y2 = 4}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = 2, y3 = 0}},
message = "Gameover", DotT = {2, (4 - .51)},
DotL = {2, (2 + .51)}, DotB = {2, (0 + .51)},
Switch = False}, {x1, y1 - 1} == {x2, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}}}, {x1,
y1 - 1} == {x3, y3}, {Which[
bound, {{x3, y3 - 1}}] == {{x3, y3 - 1}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}}}, {x3,
y3 - 1} == {x2, y2 + 1}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = 2, y1 = 2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = 2, y2 = 4}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = 2, y3 = 0}},
message = "Gameover", DotT = {2, (4 - .51)},
DotL = {2, (2 + .51)}, DotB = {2, (0 + .51)},
Switch = False},
bound, {{x3, y3 - 1}}] != {{x3, y3 - 1}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1 - 1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2 + 1}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3,
y3 = y3 -
1}}}]}]}, {If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x1, y1 - 1}}] == {{x1, y1 - 1}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}}, Stick = True},
pos1 = pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1 - 1}}],
If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x2, y2 + 1}}] == {{x2, y2 + 1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
If[Stick == True,
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2 + 1}}]],
If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x3, y3 - 1}}] == {{x3, y3 - 1}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}},
If[Stick == True,
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3 - 1}}]]}],
If[Switch == True, {DotT = {a2 = x2, b2 = y2 + .51},
DotL = {a1 = x1, b1 = y1 - .51},
DotB = {a3 = x3, b3 = y3 - .51}}], Switch = True,
If[{x2, y2} == {1, 4} && {x3, y3} == {3, 4} || {x3, y3} == {1,
4} && {x2, y2} == {3, 4}, message = "Win"]},
"LeftArrowKeyDown" :> {message = "", Switch = True, Stick = False,
If[(**){x1 - 1, y1} == {x2 + 1, y2} || {x1 - 1, y1} == {x2,
y2} || {x1 - 1, y1} == {x3, y3} || {x3 - 1, y3} == {x2 + 1,
y2} || {x3 - 1, y3} == {x2,
y2}, {Which[{x3 - 1, y3} == {x2 + 1, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1 - 1, y1 = y1}}, pos2 = pos2,
pos3 = pos3}, {x3 - 1, y3} == {x2, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1 - 1, y1 = y1}}, pos2 = pos2,
pos3 = pos3}, {x1 - 1, y1} == {x2 + 1, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = 2, y1 = 2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = 2, y2 = 4}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = 2, y3 = 0}},
message = "Gameover", DotT = {2, (4 - .51)},
DotL = {2, (2 + .51)}, DotB = {2, (0 + .51)},
Switch = False}, {x1 - 1, y1} == {x2, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}}}, {x1 - 1,
y1} == {x3, y3}, {Which[
bound, {{x3 - 1, y3}}] == {{x3 - 1, y3}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}}}, {x3 - 1,
y3} == {x2 + 1, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = 2, y1 = 2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = 2, y2 = 4}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = 2, y3 = 0}},
message = "Gameover", DotT = {2, (4 - .51)},
DotL = {2, (2 + .51)}, DotB = {2, (0 + .51)},
Switch = False},
bound, {{x3 - 1, y3}}] != {{x3 - 1, y3}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1 - 1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2 + 1, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3 - 1,
y3 = y3}}}]}]}, {If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x1 - 1, y1}}] == {{x1 - 1, y1}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}}, Stick = True},
pos1 = pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1 - 1, y1 = y1}}],
If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x2 + 1, y2}}] == {{x2 + 1, y2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
If[Stick == True,
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2 + 1, y2 = y2}}]],
If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x3 - 1, y3}}] == {{x3 - 1, y3}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}},
If[Stick == True,
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3 - 1, y3 = y3}}]]}],
If[Switch == True, {DotT = {a2 = x2 + .51, b2 = y2},
DotL = {a1 = x1 - .51, b1 = y1},
DotB = {a3 = x3 - .51, b3 = y3}}], Switch = True,
If[{x2, y2} == {1, 4} && {x3, y3} == {3, 4} || {x3, y3} == {1,
4} && {x2, y2} == {3, 4}, message = "Win"]},
"RightArrowKeyDown" :> {message = "", Switch = True, Stick = False,
If[(**){x1 + 1, y1} == {x2 - 1, y2} || {x1 + 1, y1} == {x2,
y2} || {x1 + 1, y1} == {x3, y3} || {x3 + 1, y3} == {x2 - 1,
y2} || {x3 + 1, y3} == {x2,
y2}, {Which[{x3 + 1, y3} == {x2 - 1, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1 + 1, y1 = y1}}, pos2 = pos2,
pos3 = pos3}, {x3 + 1, y3} == {x2, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1 + 1, y1 = y1}}, pos2 = pos2,
pos3 = pos3}, {x1 + 1, y1} == {x2 - 1, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = 2, y1 = 2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = 2, y2 = 4}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = 2, y3 = 0}},
message = "Gameover", DotT = {2, (4 - .51)},
DotL = {2, (2 + .51)}, DotB = {2, (0 + .51)},
Switch = False}, {x1 + 1, y1} == {x2, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}}}, {x1 + 1,
y1} == {x3, y3}, {Which[
bound, {{x3 + 1, y3}}] == {{x3 + 1, y3}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}}}, {x3 + 1,
y3} == {x2 - 1, y2}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = 2, y1 = 2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = 2, y2 = 4}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = 2, y3 = 0}},
message = "Gameover", DotT = {2, (4 - .51)},
DotL = {2, (2 + .51)}, DotB = {2, (0 + .51)},
Switch = False},
bound, {{x3 + 1, y3}}] != {{x3 + 1, y3}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1 + 1, y1 = y1}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2 - 1, y2 = y2}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3 + 1,
y3 = y3}}}]}]}, {If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x1 + 1, y1}}] == {{x1 + 1, y1}}, {pos1 =
pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1, y1 = y1}}, Stick = True},
pos1 = pos1 /. {{x1, y1} -> {x1 = x1 + 1, y1 = y1}}],
If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x2 - 1, y2}}] == {{x2 - 1, y2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
If[Stick == True,
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2, y2 = y2}},
pos2 = pos2 /. {{x2, y2} -> {x2 = x2 - 1, y2 = y2}}]],
If[(*Test if next move out of bound.*)
Intersection[bound, {{x3 + 1, y3}}] == {{x3 + 1, y3}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}},
If[Stick == True,
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3, y3 = y3}},
pos3 = pos3 /. {{x3, y3} -> {x3 = x3 + 1, y3 = y3}}]]}],
If[Switch == True, {DotT = {a2 = x2 - .51, b2 = y2},
DotL = {a1 = x1 + .51, b1 = y1},
DotB = {a3 = x3 + .51, b3 = y3}}], Switch = True,
If[{x2, y2} == {1, 4} && {x3, y3} == {3, 4} || {x3, y3} == {1,
4} && {x2, y2} == {3, 4}, message = "Win"]}}]]