Windows USB drive from ubuntu failing repeteadly

You got a /bin/mount: Permission denied mount_source_filesystem: Error: Unable to mount source media Error: Unable to mount source filesystem error. Connect the woe-usb:removable-media plug to the woe-usb:removable-media slot in order to enable USB devices to be mounted automatically by WoeUSB.

  1. Search for woeusb in Ubuntu Software and click it to go to the woe-usb screen.

  2. Click the Permissions button.

  3. Toggle the Read/Write files on removeable storage devices slider from OFF to ON as shown in the below screenshot.

  4. Authenticate with your user password when the Authentication Required window pops up.

woe-usb Permissions


  • Enable snaps on Ubuntu and install woe-usb

Fix Permissions

It is happening because WoeUSB running under /snap "partition", to fix this, just copy it to a different location, for example:

sudo cp -v /snap/woe-usb/21/bin/woeusb /usr/bin/


sudo /usr/bin/woeusb --device PATHTO.iso /dev/sdb --target-filesystem NTFS

Note: Make sure to change PATHTO.iso to the desired image, and /dev/sdb to the correct USB device (you can use sudo blkid to see your devices), and NTFS, otherwise, see the supported list.