How do I rebind the keyboard shortcut to open the menu in Lubuntu 20.04?

All the answers I've been able to find are for LXDE but I need the answer for LXQT.

What command/DBus message opens the main menu? Clicking the existing entry in the Shortcut Keys utility only lets me enable/disable it, not modify the shortcut or see what command it runs.

Is there a way to see what command the existing entry runs? The documentation doesn't seem to have a configuration file location.

In Lubuntu 20.04, pressing the Super_L key, aka the left Meta or Windows key, launches the LXQt menu.

To change that, use Menu > Preferences > LXQt Settings > Shortcut Keys.

In the GUI that opens,

GUI for changing shortcuts in LXQt

scroll to the item having the description Show/hide main menu. Select that line by left-clicking on it and then click on Modify near the top right.

Click in the box Shortcut box showing Super_L and type your preference. Then OK and close the GUI. You're done.