Where does fish_config save its settings?

I've used the fish_config utility to customize my syntax color scheme and now I want to copy these settings to remote servers I can't run fish_config on. Where does it save the changes made through that utility?

Some settings, such as the color theme, are stored as universal variables. Run set -U to see them.

Note that at the moment universal variables are stored in a file whose name is unique to each host. In the upcoming fish 3.0.0 release we're going to make that file truly global so that simply copying your ~/.config/fish directory tree to another machine will install items like your color theme. See this issue for more details.

At the moment you need to use set -U | grep fish_color_ on the machine having the theme you like and do set -U of each var on the target machine. A bit of a pain in the ass we admit.

The prompt is saved as an autoloaded function in ~/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish.