Is there any use for the beta Bloodstones?
Some said that the item is given to those who participate in DOTA 2 Beta.
There are 3 kind of blood stones
Tier 1 - Bloodstone of the Ancestor (Rare)
Tier 2 - Bloodstone of the Precursor (Mythical)
Tier 3 - Bloodstone of the Founder (Legendary)
Now, it is the official release of Dota 2, what are the uses of it?
Is there any future uses of it?
As of now, no, there is use for any of the Bloodstones. They're merely there to show off to people that you were a part of the beta and how generous you were with your beta invites. As for whether or not there will be a use for them, we obviously have no idea, but I would guess that there isn't going to be.