Finding inverse of polynomial in a field

I'm having trouble with the procedure to find an inverse of a polynomial in a field. For example, take:

In $\frac{\mathbb{Z}_3[x]}{m(x)}$, where $m(x) = x^3 + 2x +1$, find the inverse of $x^2 + 1$.

My understanding is that one needs to use the (Extended?) Euclidean Algorithm and Bezout's Identity. Here's what I currently have:

Proceeding with Euclid's algorithm:

$$ x^3 + 2x + 1 =(x^2 + 1)(x) + (x + 1) \\\\ x^2 + 1 = (x + 1)(2 + x) + 2$$

We stop here because 2 is invertible in $\mathbb{Z}_3[x]$. We rewrite it using a congruence:

$$(x+1)(2+x) \equiv 2 \mod{(x^2+1)}$$

I don't understand the high level concepts sufficiently well and I'm lost from here. Thoughts?

Wikipedia has a page on this we a decent explanation, but it's still not clear in my mind.

Note that this question has almost the same title, but it's a level of abstraction higher. It doesn't help me, as I don't understand the basic concepts.


Write $f := x^3+2x+1$ and $g := x^2+1$. We want to find the inverse of $g$ in the field $\mathbb F_3[x]/(f)$ (I prefer to write $\mathbb F_3$ instead of $\mathbb Z_3$ to avoid confusion with the $3$-adic integers), i.e. we are looking for a polynomial $h$ such that $gh \equiv 1 \pmod f$, or equivalently $gh+kf=1$ for some $k\in \mathbb F_3[x]$. The Euclidean algorithm can be used to find $h$ and $k$: \begin{align} f &= x\cdot g+(x+1)\\ g &= (x+2)\cdot(x+1) + 2\\ (x+1) &= (2x)\cdot2 + 1 \end{align} Working backwards, we find \begin{align} 1 &= (x+1)-(2x)\cdot 2\\ &= (x+1)-(2x)(g-(x+2)(x+1))\\ &= (2x^2+x+1)(x+1)-(2x)g\\ &= (2x^2+x+1)(f-xg)-(2x)g\\ &= (2x^2+x+1)f- (x^3+2x^2)g\\ &= (2x^2+x+1)f - (2x^3+x^2)g\\ &= (2x^2+x+1)f + (x^3+2x^2)g. \end{align} So, the inverse of $g$ modulo $f$ is $h = x^3+2x^2 \pmod f = 2x^2+x+2 \pmod f$.

This is very easy when using the augmented-matrix form of the extended Euclidean algorithm, i.e. we perform the Euclidean algorthm while keeping track of each remainders expression as a linear combination of $f$ and $g$ as follows.

$\begin{eqnarray} (1)&& &&f = x^3\!+2x+1 &\!\!=&\, \left<\,\color{#c00}1,\,\color{#0a0}0\,\right>\quad\ \ \, {\rm i.e.}\ \qquad f\, =\ \color{#c00}1\cdot f\, +\, \color{#0a0}0\cdot g\\ (2)&& &&\qquad\ \, g =x^2\!+1 &\!\!=&\, \left<\,\color{#c00}0,\,\color{#0a0}1\,\right>\quad\ \ \,{\rm i.e.}\ \qquad g\, =\ \color{#c00}0\cdot f\, +\, \color{#0a0}1\cdot g\\ (3)&=&(1)-x(2)\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! &&\qquad\qquad\ \ x+1 \,&\!\!=&\, \left<\,\color{#c00}1,\,\color{#0a0}{-x}\,\right>\ \ \ {\rm i.e.}\quad x\!+\!1\, =\, \color{#c00}1\cdot f\,\color{#0c0}{-\,x}\cdot g\\ (4)&=&(2)+(1\!-\!x)(3)\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\! &&\qquad\qquad\qquad\ 2 \,&\!\!=&\, \left<\,\color{#c00}{1\!-\!x},\,\color{#0a0}{1\!-\!x+x^2}\,\right>\\ \end{eqnarray}$

Hence the prior line implies: $\,\ 2\, =\, (\color{#c00}{1\!-\!x})f + (\color{#0a0}{1\!-\!x\!+\!x^2})g,\, $ so reducing this mod $f$ and $3$

we get in $\,\Bbb Z_3[x] \bmod f\!:\,\ {-}1\equiv 2 \equiv (\color{#0a0}{1\!-\!x\!+\!x^2})g\ \Rightarrow\ \bbox[6px,border:1px solid red]{g^{-1}\equiv\, {-}(\color{#0a0}{1\!-\!x\!+\!x^2})}$

Remark $\ $ Generally, this method is easier to memorize and much less error-prone than the alternative "back-substitution" method.

This is a special-case of Hermite/Smith row/column reduction of matrices to triangular/diagonal normal form, using the division/Euclidean algorithm to reduce entries modulo pivots. Though one can understand this knowing only the analogous linear algebra elimination techniques, it will become clearer when one studies modules - which, informally, generalize vector spaces by allowing coefficients from rings vs. fields. In particular, these results are studied when one studies normal forms for finitely-generated modules over a PID, e.g. when one studies linear systems of equations with coefficients in the non-field! polynomial ring $\rm F[x],$ for $\rm F$ a field, as above.

The same algorithm used to solve the linear diophantine equation can be used here. $$ \begin{array}{c} &&x&x-1&(x+1)/2\\ \hline 1&0&1&1-x&(x^2+1)/2\\ 0&1&-x&x^2-x+1&-(x^3+2x+1)/2\\ x^3+2x+1&x^2+1&x+1&2&0 \end{array} $$ Thus, $$ (1-x)(x^3+2x+1)+(x^2-x+1)(x^2+1)=2 $$ Thus, the inverse of $x^2+1$ is $\tfrac12(x^2-x+1)$ mod $x^3+2x+1$.

The Euclidean algorithm begins with two polynomials $r^{(0)}(x)$ and $r^{(1)}(x)$ such that $\deg r^{(0)}(x) > \deg r^{(1)}(x)$ and then iteratively finds quotient polynomials $q^{(1)}(x), q^{(2)}(x), \ldots$ and remainder polynomials $r^{(2)}(x), r^{(3)}(x), \ldots $ of successively smaller degrees via division $$\begin{align*} r^{(0)}(x) &= q^{(1)}(x)\cdot r^{(1)}(x) + r^{(2)}(x)\\ r^{(1)}(x) &= q^{(2)}(x)\cdot r^{(2)}(x) + r^{(3)}(x)\\ \vdots\qquad &= \qquad\qquad\vdots \end{align*}$$ One version of the Extended Euclidean Algorithm also finds pairs of polynomials $(s^{(0)}(x),t^{(0)}(x)), (s^{(1)}(x),t^{(1)}(x)), (s^{(2)}(x),t^{(2)}(x)) \ldots$ where $(s^{(0)}(x),t^{(0)}(x)) = (1,0)$ and $(s^{(1)}(x),t^{(1)}(x)) = (0,1)$ that satisfy the generalized Bezout identity $$s^{(i)}(x)\cdot r^{(0)}(x) + t^{(i)}(x)\cdot r^{(1)}(x) = r^{(i)}(x).$$

These polynomials satisfy the "same" recursion as the remainder polynomials, viz., $$\begin{align*} r^{(i+1)}(x) &= r^{(i-1)}(x) - q^{(i)}(x)\cdot r^{(i)}(x)\\ s^{(i+1)}(x) &= s^{(i-1)}(x) - q^{(i)}(x)\cdot s^{(i)}(x)\\ t^{(i+1)}(x) &= t^{(i-1)}(x) - q^{(i)}(x)\cdot t^{(i)}(x)\\ \end{align*}$$

This form of the extended Euclidean algorithm is useful in practical applications since only two polynomials $r, s,$ and $t$ need to be remembered with each new $(i+1)$-th polynomial replacing the $(i-1)$-th polynomial which is no longer needed.

In your instance, you have $r^{(0)}(x) = x^3 + 2x+1$ and $r^{(1)}(x) = x^2 + 1$. You have already computed the quotient and remainder sequence ending with $r^{(3)}(x) = 2$. Now compute $t^{(2)}(x)$ and $t^{(3)}(x)$ iteratively using the sequence of quotient polynomials and write $$\begin{align*} s^{(3)}(x)\cdot (x^3 + 2x + 1) + t^{(3)}(x)\cdot(x^2 + 1) &= 2\\ -s^{(3)}(x)\cdot (x^3 + 2x + 1) - t^{(3)}(x)\cdot(x^2 + 1) &= 1\\ (-t^{(3)}(x))\cdot (x^2 + 1) &= 1 ~ \mod (x^3 + 2x + 1) \end{align*}$$ and deduce that the multiplicative inverse of $x^2 + 1$ in $\mathbb Z_3[x]/(x^3 + 2x + 1)$ is $-t^{(3)}(x)$. Note that the $s^{(i)}(x)$ sequence does not need to be computed at all if all that one needs is the inverse.

Another way to do this, is by representing the elements of your quotient field (which is a three-dimensional vector space with base field GF(3)) as matrices with respect to the basis 1, x, x^2. Multiplication by x sends 1 to x, x to x^2 and x^2 to x^3 = -2x - 1 = x + 2 (modulo 3). So (multiplication by) x is represented by the following matrix m:

\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 2 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}

m^0 (corresponding to multiplication by x^0 = 1) is the identity matrix:

\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}

and m^2 (multiplication by x^2) equals:

\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 2 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 2 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}

The element (x^2 + 1)^-1 is represented by (m^2 + m^0)^-1, which equals

\begin{pmatrix} 2 & 1 & 2 \\ 1 & 1 & 2 \\ 2 & 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix}

The coefficients of (x^2 + 1)^-1 can be read off from the first column of this matrix: (m^2 + m^0)^-1 = 2m^0 + m + 2m^2, so (x^2 + 1)^-1 = 2 + x + 2x^2. Summarizing: your problem can be solved by adding, multiplying and inverting matrices.