What prefix means "during"?

The prefixes "pre-" and "post-" refer to events before and after. For instance, "pre-season" and "post-season" or "pre-study" and "post-study". Is there a prefix fitting this pattern which means "during" that can fit in the form "(prefix)-season" and "(prefix)-study"? "Mid-season" and "mid-study" seems to refer to the middle point, so it does not seem like a good fit.

Solution 1:

I'm not a language expert but I think intra- is the prefix you are looking for:

1a : within <intragalactic>
b : during <intraday>
c : between layers of <intradermal>
source: merriam-webster.com

Solution 2:

It varies from word to word, depending on the specific example, but the most common prefix is in-, or for there to be no prefix at all:

I can't wait for the season to start. The in-season games are so much better than the preseason ones!

After a bit of pre-study work, we did some studying, and then went for post-study drinks.

Solution 3:

What about peri- as in perinatal. It does mean "around, about", and if used in a sense of time (as in perinatal) this could mean "during"

Dictionary entry for peri-