Cut-Paste or Copy-Paste not working on Ubuntu 20.04 on using right-click context menu

I tried to cut/copy a file from one folder and paste it in another folder using the right-click context menu. However, the paste option is not working. The problem does not happen within same folder. How to solve this issue?

Solution 1:

There are fundamental bugs in ubuntu 20.04 that have not been fixed. This is such a basic problem I can't believe it is being treated as a 'medium' severity error.

In they claimed to have fixed it, but they haven't - it has just changed a bit. See

In 20.10 with all updates it's been fixed for some weeks now.

Solution 2:


  1. Access your "Desktop" folder from "Home".
  2. Copy/cut from there and paste to any folder.

Note: Copying from your desktop directly may not work except you change the permission of the Desktop folder from "Home".