debug.log file is being created in a few Windows folders (possibly from Chrome). How can I troubleshoot and resolve?

A few weeks ago I noticed a file named debug.log begin to appear in a few Windows folders (Win 10, x64). Does anyone know if it is due to Google Chrome, and/or how to resolve? The only reason I ask is because of this previous post in the Chrome Help Forum.

The contents of the file are log entries of this form:

[0810/] unexpected header
[0810/] unexpected header
[0810/] unexpected header

Right now I cannot seem to reproduce the issue, so troubleshooting is a bit difficult. One such log file is in my folder D:\temp, and a few new entries get logged to that file every day. If I delete it, the file returns within a day.

I posted to the Chrome Help Forum, but didn't receive many replies. Someone began walking me through how to check if my Chrome had debugging enabled, but that person stopped replying.

WordPress saves its PHP log to a file named 'debug.log,' and I am a WordPress developer. But I don't develop locally, so this file shouldn't really appear locally. Plus the contents of this log file aren't even close to the typical contents/form of the WordPress log.


I just experienced this for a few days and it drove me mad... so what fixed it for me was the following:

  1. Stop Chrome
  2. Delete the directory %AppData%\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Crashpad and all its contents
  3. Restart chrome

Due to the fact that this happened to me when opening PDF files in Chrome I thought the error was related to a header in the PDF, but my current theory is that this is actually the crash report database that might have become corrupt; I have already deleted mine, but there seems to be a utility for the crashpad database. Maybe next time.

I have an update, with the eventual workaround I implemented.

I tried to uninstall Chrome, then re-install. But doing so via Control Panel resulted in an error--it could not locate the installer file (sorry, no screenshots). I then followed the instructions in this Google Product Forum post, and was able to re-install Chrome. Initial tests indicate that the issue is gone. At least, I can no longer re-create the issue as I before.