Problem with CUPS/texttopdf and "Noto" truetype fonts

Solution 1:

The problem, apparently, is in one of the "noto" fonts, NotoColorEmoji, and texttopdf was choking on it.

I fixed this by creating the file /etc/fonts/local.conf and adding the lines

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">

Then run fc-cache -f -v to rebuild the font cache.

This disables the offending font and all is well.

BTW, credit where credit is due: See

Further note:

I decided to download the source code for cups-filters and the abort is indeed an assert in the library libfontembed in the function otf_get_width, snippeted here:

  // ensure hmtx is there
  if (!otf->hmtx) {
    if (otf_load_more(otf)!=0) {
      return -1;

Sheesh. . .