How to group similar items in a list using Haskell?

Given a list of tuples like this:

dic = [(1,"aa"),(1,"cc"),(2,"aa"),(3,"ff"),(3,"gg"),(1,"bb")]

How to group items of dic resulting in a list grp where,

grp  = [(1,["aa","bb","cc"]), (2, ["aa"]), (3, ["ff","gg"])]

I'm actually a newcomer to Haskell...and seems to be falling in love with it..
Using group or groupBy in Data.List will only group similar adjacent items in a list. I wrote an inefficient function for this, but it results in memory failures as I need to process a very large coded string list. Hope you would help me find a more efficient way.

Whenever possible, reuse library code.

import Data.Map
sortAndGroup assocs = fromListWith (++) [(k, [v]) | (k, v) <- assocs]

Try it out in ghci:

*Main> sortAndGroup [(1,"aa"),(1,"cc"),(2,"aa"),(3,"ff"),(3,"gg"),(1,"bb")]
fromList [(1,["bb","cc","aa"]),(2,["aa"]),(3,["gg","ff"])]

EDIT In the comments, some folks are worried about whether (++) or flip (++) is the right choice. The documentation doesn't say which way things get associated; you can find out by experimenting, or you can sidestep the whole issue using difference lists:

sortAndGroup assocs = ($[]) <$> fromListWith (.) [(k, (v:)) | (k, v) <- assocs]
-- OR
sortAndGroup = fmap ($[]) . M.fromListWith (.) . map (fmap (:))

These alternatives are about the same length as the original, but they're a bit less readable to me.

Here's my solution:

import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy, groupBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)

myGroup :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, [b])]
myGroup = map (\l -> (fst . head $ l, map snd l)) . groupBy ((==) `on` fst)
          . sortBy (comparing fst)

This works by first sorting the list with sortBy:

=> [(1,"aa"),(1,"bb"),(1,"cc"),(2,"aa"),(3,"ff"),(3,"gg")]

then grouping the list elements by the associated key with groupBy:

=> [[(1,"aa"),(1,"bb"),(1,"cc")],[(2,"aa")],[(3,"ff"),(3,"gg")]]

and then transforming the grouped items to tuples with map:

=> [(1,["aa","bb","cc"]), (2, ["aa"]), (3, ["ff","gg"])]`)


> myGroup dic

Also you can use TransformListComp extension, for example:

Prelude> :set -XTransformListComp 
Prelude> import GHC.Exts (groupWith, the)
Prelude GHC.Exts> let dic = [ (1, "aa"), (1, "bb"), (1, "cc") , (2, "aa"), (3, "ff"), (3, "gg")]
Prelude GHC.Exts> [(the key, value) | (key, value) <- dic, then group by key using groupWith]