XPS 13 9300 - fingerprint reader - any driver updates?

Solution 1:

I'm adding another answer as it is sufficiently different from my previous and it may also help notifying the OP.

I got the fingerprint reader on my Dell XPS 13 9300 working in Ubuntu 20.04 with a driver package ostensibly from Dell. What I did was:

  • install the latest Linux kernel 5.8 (most likely not necessary, but above 5.6.1 is advisable)
  • download the .deb
  • install it with sudo dpkg -i libfprint-2-tod1-goodix_0.0.4-0ubuntu1somerville1_amd64.deb
  • reboot the system

This was the device installed in my XPS. Looks like it has the same ID as yours so you may be in luck.

 lsusb | grep -i goodix
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 27c6:533c Shenzhen Goodix Technology Co.,Ltd. FingerPrint

Use is limited to logging in and probably some third-party software. Haven't yet found out if it can be used to get elevated permissions (in the GUI; I don't expect it ever to happen in the terminal).

UPDATE: I'm not quite sure what I did (it may have something to do with the sudo pam-auth-update I ran to enable fingerprint authentication), but this morning my laptop started asking for my fingerprint in the terminal when performing sudo commands. It doesn't always work for unlocking the computer or logging in, though, but it's better than nothing!