Can the window object be modified from a Chrome extension?

You can't, not directly. From the content scripts documentation:

However, content scripts have some limitations. They cannot:

  • Use chrome.* APIs (except for parts of chrome.extension)
  • Use variables or functions defined by their extension's pages
  • Use variables or functions defined by web pages or by other content scripts

(emphasis added)

The window object the content script sees is not the same window object that the page sees.

You can pass messages via the DOM, however, by using the window.postMessage method. Both your page and content script listen to the message event, and whenever you call window.postMessage from one of those places, the other will receive it. There's an example of this on the "Content Scripts" documentation page.

edit: You could potentially add some methods to the page by injecting a script from the content script. It still wouldn't be able to communicate back with the rest of the extension though, without using something like postMessage, but you could at least add some things to the page's window

var elt = document.createElement("script");
elt.innerHTML = " = {bar:function(){/*whatever*/}};"

After hours trying different attempts and facing security issues like CORS, I found ways to edit the window object on Chrome, Firefox and Safari. You need to use different strategies for each one:


  1. Add your script to content_scripts.
  2. Inside your script file, append a script to the page and make it run your custom code inline. Like this:
;(function() {
  function script() {
    // your main code here = 'bar'

  function inject(fn) {
    const script = document.createElement('script')
    script.text = `(${fn.toString()})();`



On Firefox, the solution above doesn't work due to a Content-Security-Policy error. But the following workaround is currently working, at least for now:

  1. Add 2 scripts to content_scripts, e.g. inject.js and script.js
  2. The inject script will get the full absolute url of the script.js file and load it:
;(function() {
  const b = typeof browser !== 'undefined' ? browser : chrome

  const script = document.createElement('script')
  script.src = b.runtime.getURL('script.js')
  1. Your script.js will contain your main code:
;(function() {
  // your main code here = 'bar'


It's very similar to Firefox.

  1. Create 2 javascript files, e.g. inject.js and script.js
  2. The inject script will get the full absolute url of the script.js file and load it:
;(function() {
  const script = document.createElement('script')
  script.src = safari.extension.baseURI + 'script.js'
  1. Your script.js will contain your main code:
;(function() {
  // your main code here = 'bar'

Source code

See full code here:

As others have pointed out, context scripts do not run in the same context as the page's, so, to access the correct window, you need to inject code into the page.

Here's my take at it:

function codeToInject() {
    // Do here whatever your script requires. For example: = "bar";

function embed(fn) {
    const script = document.createElement("script");
    script.text = `(${fn.toString()})();`;


Clean and easy to use. Whatever you need to run in the page's context, put it in codeToInject() (you may call it whatever you prefer). The embed() function takes care of packaging your function and sending it to run in the page.

What the embed() function does is to create a script tag in the page and embed the function codeToInject() into it as an IIFE. The browser will immediately execute the new script tag as soon as it's appended to the document and your injected code will run in the context of the page, as intended.

A chrome extension's content_script runs within its own context which is separate from the window. You can inject a script into the page though so it runs in the same context as the page's window, like this: Chrome extension - retrieving global variable from webpage

I was able to call methods on the window object and modify window properties by essentially adding a script.js to the page's DOM:

var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = chrome.extension.getURL('script.js');
s.onload = function() {

and creating custom event listeners in that injected script file:

document.addEventListener('_my_custom_event', function(e) {
  // do whatever you'd like! Like access the window obj
  window.myData = e.detail.my_event_data;

and dispatching that event in the content_script:

var foo = 'bar'
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('_save_OG_Editor', {
  'detail': {
    'my_event_data': foo

or vice versa; dispatch events in script.js and listen for them in your extension's content_script (like the above link illustrates well).

Just be sure to add your injected script within your extension's files, and add the script file's path to your manifest within "web_accessible_resources" or you'll get an error.

Hope that helps someone \ (•◡•) /