I am currently looking to rent a house, so I am looking at a lot of apartment listings. I would like to be able to mark a listing as "read" such that if I visit it again, there will be an indicator that this page has already "been dealt with".

I found an extension "Mark as Read" that seemed to do what I needed, but it seems to have been discontinued.

Is there any way I could achieve this?

Solution 1:

Recently in need of this functionality yet again and with no solution matching my needs in sight, I decided to delve into the docs and solve my own problem.

Mark as Read (Google Chrome Extension)

Allows the user to tick off a website by clicking on the extension icon.

If the page is unchecked it will look like this:

unchecked page

If the page is checked it will look like this:

checked page

If you want to contribute or suggest changes, feel free to do so at the GitHub repo.

Solution 2:

Use FirstVisit extension

  • Download it from my GitHub https://github.com/cyclopentan/cyclopentan.github.io/tree/master/firstVisit
  • Choose any folder to install in, then unpack it
  • Go to chrome://extensions/
  • Enable developer mode dev mode
  • Click to "Upload unpacked extension" unpacked
  • Select folder folder

If you visited this page it will look like this visited

If not, like this not visited

Full disclosure: I am the author of this plugin.