Trying to dual boot - getting error failing to unmount /cdrom

I am installing Ubuntu Desktop 20.04, but Ubiqity doesn't find a 25 GB FAT32 partition when i am trying to install from a USB stick.

My original install for windows 10 was done with drives formatted in NTFS because FAT32 and exFAT wouldn't boot

I do have the drive with that partition as a priority for boot option 1 on a separate drive.

Boot option 1 is my usb with Ubuntu installed.

I have turned off fast boot and Hybernation in Windows.

Right now I am failing to unmount /cdrom and make a connection to dbus-daemon

I just don't have the skills to get Ubuntu to install right now.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Updated with a picture of the screen I have been stuck on for 4 hours. this is the loop

If there is a way to access a CLI from here, I dont know how to access it

liveUSB does not support 20.04 LTS

loading with the NTFS format doesn't work. Still in a [FAILED], [DEPEND], {OK] loop. besides see systemct1 status systemd-journal.service no other errors seem to be showing up.

So I ran the commands in the GRUB terminal and it kicked out an error. Although if i am reading it correctly, I am missing the device folder in my install.
also windows wont turn off. I swear microsoft is just trying to brick this machine

MOBO: Asus Crosshair Hero 8 (WIFI)

Please read some HowTo's on installing Ubuntu for dual boot. Google or search here on AU.

Download the relevant Ubuntu ISO.

  • Use a recommended tool to "burn it" to a USB stick or DVD
  • Then, from windows, make sure that the diskspace you want to use for Ubuntu is free
    • Is it a part of your current Windows drives (C: D: or so),shrink that partition/filesystem.
    • Is it a empty partition, delete it (have your stuff backed up in case you delete something you later need.
  • Then boot on the media you created, and select install beside Windows,and follow descriptions.