Ubuntu Software not loading properly

On Ubuntu 20.04LTS the app called "Ubuntu software" is in reality snap-store (the terminal command running it is "snap-store", not "gnome-software"). Ubuntu 20.04 does not seem to come with gnome-software installed by default. For me, closing the app, then typing

killall snap-store

in a terminal and then re-launching the app solved the problem without a reboot.

If all images and software aren't loading in the software app delete the ubuntu-reviews.db file at ~/.local/share/gnome-software/ubuntu-reviews.db. It will be recreated automatically the next time you open Ubuntu Software (the Software app). Open the terminal and type:

killall gnome-software
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gnome-software/
cd ~/.local/share/gnome-software/
mv ubuntu-reviews.db ubuntu-reviews.db.bak # skip if ubuntu-reviews.db doesn't exist

Then reopen the Software app.

If it still doesn't work you could try reinstalling the Software app.

sudo apt update
sudo apt purge gnome-software
sudo apt install gnome-software

The only thing that has worked so far is

gnome-software refresh

But the terminal has to be kept open. Once it is closed, the apps disappear again.

Update: G. Koçmarlı has posted a working solution on Ubuntu software shows only editors picks 20.04.