Show Applications not scrolling after upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 from 18.04 (via 19.10)

This solution may be a temporary fix.

What you can do is go to Settings, go to Appearance go to Submenu Dock and switch the position from Left or Right to Bottom.

Now the applications menu will shift to the bottom right. Click on that and now you will find application scrolling.

This worked for me when I unintentionally changed this setting. Hope this will solve your problem.

I found a fix for scrolling. It's disabling vertical expanding of dock but scrolling works. Execute this command:

gsettings set extend-height false

Just changed the resolution of my second screen from 1920x1200 to 1920x1080 and the problem is gone...

My laptop screen is: 1920x1080 Scaling problem some how. Running Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS with Nvidia driver 440.100, GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Hope this helps somehow..