Notepad ++ Export full "Find Results" window

I have a large number of text files in multiple sub directories that I need to scan for a particular string and return the file names of any file that has this string inside. To do this, I have used the Find in File feature to give me an output which tells me all the files that match as well as the line number (exactly what I want)

However, when I select all and copy, only the matching strings are copied, not the file names and Line x part of the output.

Is there a way to export the full results (with file paths) of the Find Results window in Notepad++?

In npp 7.5.6 there is a difference if you, after selecting lines of the find result list, use "right click" / "Copy", or of you use "CTL-C".

"right click" / "Copy" copies the lines without line numbers.
"CTL-C" copies the lines with line numbers.

What is selected when you click Select all is affected by where you click Select all. If you right click on a line found and select copy you will get only the lines found.


If you click on the file name and select copy you get the full output.
