How to use gzip or gunzip in a pipeline with curl (For binary gz files)

I am using curl to download a file using the following command.

curl -O

I want to unpack it in a pipeline in the following way. curl -O url | unpack it and store it here in current directory

I used the following command, however, it does not work. I get"gzip: stdin: not in gzip format" Any ideas how can I achieve this?

curl -O | gunzip

I simply want to achieve something like this:

download somecompressedfile | decompress it.

or as simple as this:

ls | grep test.gz | decrompess test.gz

Solution 1:

curl -o - | gunzip > ./GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin

- represents the standard output. The standard output is what gets redirected by piping with |.
From man curl:

Specifying the output as '-' (a single dash) will force the output to be done to stdout.