Replacing DVD with SSD - What is the best way to test SSD reliability?

Solution 1:

I installed a Samsung 840 Pro 120GB in my Early 2011 MBP.

I have had no issues with it so far.

DriveDx is a good tool which gives health statistics on an SSD and I would also make sure you are running Trim Enabler which will prolong the SSDs life.

As said in other answer stick to big name brands and generally stay away from OCZ or Kingston as they have been reported to fail more often.

Solution 2:

i had a seagate ssd in my 2011 mbp and recently replaced it for a bigger samsung ssd, both work perfect and are very fast. I have not noticed any decrease in speed or size in my time using them, so I would advise to stick to the main brands if you are planning to buy one since they offer good warranty and reliable products.