Command-line Unix ASCII-based charting / plotting tool

Solution 1:

Try gnuplot. It has very powerful graphing possibilities.

It can output to your terminal in the following way:

gnuplot> set terminal dumb
Terminal type set to 'dumb'
Options are 'feed 79 24'
gnuplot> plot sin(x)

   1 ++----------------**---------------+----**-----------+--------**-----++
     +                *+ *              +   *  *          +  sin(x) ****** +
 0.8 ++              *    *                *    *                *    *   ++
     |               *    *                *    *                *    *    |
 0.6 ++              *     *              *      *              *      *  ++
     *              *       *             *       *             *      *   |
 0.4 +*             *       *             *       *             *      *  ++
     |*            *        *            *        *            *        *  |
 0.2 +*            *        *            *        *            *        * ++
     | *          *          *          *          *          *          * |
   0 ++*          *          *          *          *          *          *++
     |  *         *           *         *           *         *           *|
-0.2 ++ *         *           *         *           *         *           *+
     |   *       *            *        *            *        *            *|
-0.4 ++  *       *            *        *            *        *            *+
     |   *      *              *      *              *      *              *
-0.6 ++  *      *              *      *              *      *             ++
     |    *     *               *     *               *    *               |
-0.8 ++    *   *                 *   *                *    *              ++
     +     *  *        +         *  *   +              *  *                +
  -1 ++-----**---------+----------**----+---------------**+---------------++
    -10               -5                0                 5                10

Solution 2:

While gnuplot is powerful, it's also really irritating when you just want to pipe in a bunch of points and get a graph.

Thankfully, someone created eplot (easy plot), which handles all the nonsense for you.

It doesn't seem to have an option to force terminal graphs; I patched it like so:

--- eplot.orig  2012-10-12 17:07:35.000000000 -0700
+++ eplot       2012-10-12 17:09:06.000000000 -0700
@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@
                # ---- print the options
                com="echo '\n"+getStyleString+@oc["MiscOptions"]
                com=com+"set multiplot;\n" if doMultiPlot
+               com=com+"set terminal dumb;\n"
                com=com+"plot "+@oc["Range"]+comString+"\n'| gnuplot -persist"
                # ---- convert to PDF

An example of use:

[$]> git shortlog -s -n | awk '{print $1}' | eplot 2> /dev/null

  3500 ++-------+-------+--------+--------+-------+--------+-------+-------++
       +        +       +        "/tmp/eplot20121012-19078-fw3txm-0" ****** +       *                                                                    |  3000 +*                                                                  ++       |*                                                                   |       | *                                                                  |  2500 ++*                                                                 ++       | *                                                                  |
       |  *                                                                 |
  2000 ++ *                                                                ++
       |  **                                                                |
  1500 ++   ****                                                           ++
       |        *                                                           |
       |         **                                                         |
  1000 ++          *                                                       ++
       |            *                                                       |
       |            *                                                       |
   500 ++            ***                                                   ++
       |                **************                                      |
       +        +       +        +    **********  +        +       +        +
     0 ++-------+-------+--------+--------+-----***************************++
       0        5       10       15       20      25       30      35       40