Remove Gnome Notifications or set Permanent Do not Disturb

I am trying to remove the popup notifications completely from Gnome. The notifications I mention are this:

enter image description here

I do not wish to see ANY notification at all from any app. Mainly because of 2 things:

  • Notification get in the way of me clicking a Browser tab
  • Notification stays way too long in there when I am in a hurry

Since I can't find a way of making the notification smaller (at least in an easy manner), moving it somewhere else, or even telling the option of Do Not disturb to stay fixed (when I reboot the PC it goes back to off). I am then looking for a way to completely disable this notifications altogether.

I have tried going to settings and disabling everything in there with no luck (and also because I can't do one app at a time and the idea of an option for DISABLE ALL is not there).

enter image description here

Since some earlier versions of GNOME, one unclear thing is why some of the gsettings keys are not persistent after a logout or reboot.

For this case, the workaround is to create a startup application preference to turn off this particular key like this, so that the key is turned off after a logout or reboot.

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.notifications show-banners false