"ubuntu-support-status" script no longer available in Ubuntu 20.04

The ubuntu-support-status command is no longer provided by the update-manager-core package. The closest I found is ubuntu-security-status:

# dpkg --search "ubuntu-*-status*"
update-manager-core: /usr/bin/ubuntu-security-status

There are no man pages for these commands. So, I cannot compare their usage.

Any ideas?

Correct, it is not provided - see search results on packages.ubuntu.com.

Why it was removed?
The changelog contains the answer:

update-manager (1:20.04.9) focal; urgency=medium

  • Remove ubuntu-support-status as the term support can be confusing and the Supported field has been removed from Launchpad packages. (LP: #1873362)
  • Add ubuntu-security-status - a tool for displaying information about packages installed and the kind of updates which they may or may not receive. (LP: #1873362)

-- Brian Murray Fri, 17 Apr 2020 15:06:52 -0700

So this command was replaced by ubuntu-security-status.

On my 20.04 LTS system its output is as follows:

$ ubuntu-security-status 
2134 packages installed, of which:
1685 receive package updates with LTS until 4/2025
 449 could receive security updates with ESM Apps until 4/2030

Enable Extended Security Maintenance (ESM Apps) to get 0 security
updates (so far) and enable coverage of 449 packages.

This machine is not attached to an Ubuntu Advantage subscription.
See https://ubuntu.com/advantage