How to create an Iptables rule using domain name
Can anyone please suggest a way to use a domain name in iptables rules.
If it is all possible please consider setting up a transparent application-level proxy. An application proxy will probably be much easier to do this type of filtering with.
If you must do it with iptables a kludgy option would be to create a chain, create a command line script that periodically updates that particular chain with the results from DNS for the name you need to use.
If someone was going to attempt to create such a thing that truly did packet-filtering based DNS it would almost certainly have to be done via userspace. Specifically you would use something like libnetfilter_queue. I have never used it, but Packetbl may be close to do this, but it doesn't appear to be very well maintained.
Another alternative might be to setup Layer 7 filtering. You might be able to filter a portion of the request if DNS name is being transmuted as part of the payload of the packet.
I needed iptables to allow ssh access based on domain name from my home ip but wanted to keep it closed for all other addresses. Since I have a dynamic ip that changes occasionally, I wrote a script to update the rules based on the ip of my dynamic dns entry. I'm new at this so I'm sure there is a better way. Replace "yourname" with your dynamic dns hostname.
/usr/bin/nslookup > temp
while read LINE
if [[ "$LINE" == Address* ]]; then
let found++
if [[ $found == 2 ]]; then
/sbin/iptables-save > /root/rulesdump
while read LINE2
if [[ "$LINE2" == *$address* ]]; then
done < /root/rulesdump;
if [[ "$ruleexists" != 1 ]]; then
/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -j LOG_DROP
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s $address -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j LOG_ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -j LOG_DROP
done < /root/temp;
Put the above script in crontab to run every so often.
Short answer, if you are sure the IP is static forever:
iptables -A INPUT -s `dig +short`/32 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT