fiddler HTTPMethod (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE...) Column

Is there an easy way to add an HTTPMethod (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE...) column to the fiddler display?

Found these instructions on the fiddler wiki for adding session variables:

cols add "Client IP Address" X-CLIENTIP

But HTTPMethod doesn't seem to be as easy.

Anybody know a way to do this or have a good fiddler script?

There's an easier way now (as of v4.4.5.1 or earlier).

Right-click the column bar and select Customize columns....

Collection: Miscellaneous
Field Name: RequestMethod
Screenshot of Customize Columns dialog box

Screenshot of new created column

Edit your rules, then in the class Handlers add:

public static BindUIColumn("Method", 60)
    function FillMethodColumn(oS: Session){

        return oS.oRequest.headers.HTTPMethod; 