Fuzzy graphics after upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04

Solution 1:

I solved my fuzzy graphics issue which is related to Intel Drivers. A bug is also reported on Intel driver artifacts. Following the answer provided here this command line solved the issue:

sudo apt purge xserver-xorg-video-intel

Reboot and everything is back being normal.

clear window; no fuzzy graphics/artifacts

Solution 2:

Same problem here with an Intel UHD Graphics 630 (Desktop) after upgrading from 19.10 to 20.04.

Completely solved by deleting a custom Intel Xorg configuration file I had created in the past ― on my setup it was /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf, and contained:

Section "Device"
 Identifier "Intel Graphics"
 Driver "Intel"
 Option "AccelMethod" "sna"
 Option "TearFree" "true"