Ubuntu 20.04 Dark mode isn't making the GNOME menus dark

Ubuntu 20.04 dark mode is not making the top bar menus dark. I've done all my updates and rebooted a few times but it won't make them menus dark.

20.04 Dark mode not making menus dark.

Solution 1:

The Display settings allowing to set a dark theme only sets the theme used by applications. The shell uses its own theme. You have to also change that to make the appearance of the shell dark. OMGBuntu devoted an article on how to change the entire user interface to dark.

In short:

  1. Install the package gnome-shell-extensions. This contains some official extensions, including the User themes extension. You can install with the command sudo apt install gnome-shell-extensions or find the "User Themes" extension in "Software".

  2. Make sure you have GNOME Tweaks installed.

  3. In GNOME Tweaks, on the Extensions tab, enable the extension "User themes".

  4. Quit GNOME Tweaks and restart it: now, you will be able to change the Shell theme on the "Appearance" tab.