What word means centered about death?

Solution 1:

The combining form thanat- (or thanato-), meaning death, with the combining form -centric, gives you thanatocentric -- literally, centered on death.

Solution 2:

The word morbid might work

Characterized by or appealing to an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, esp. death and disease. (The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English)

Or macabre

having death as a subject : comprising or including a personalized representation of death (Merriam-Webster Online)

Although the dictionary definitions might suggest that macabre is a better fit, I would be more likely to use morbid in the example sentence. Macabre often implies some connection to the more horrific aspects of death, while morbid suggests an unhealthy/depressed world view. It's hard to truly judge the best fit without knowing more context!

Solution 3:

The term you're looking for is

Morbid Obsession

You will find this term has deep usage, including in professional literature.

In the case of your fill-in-the-blank, you would say "morbidly obsessive"

Solution 4:

Necroxxx is exemplified by the following words:

Necrophilia, also called thanatophilia or necrolagnia, is the sexual attraction to corpses. It is classified as a paraphilia by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The word is derived from the Greek words: νεκρός (nekros; "dead") and φιλία (philia; "love").

The dictionaries have a more complete definition: nec·ro·phil·i·a (nkr-fl-) also nec·rophi·lism (n-krf-lzm, n-)

1. Obsessive fascination with death and corpses.
2. Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses.

Hence, necrophilic and necrophiliac.

The word is seek is probably necromania

Medical Dictionary
necromania: nec·ro·ma·ni·a (něk'rə-mā'nē-ə, -mān'yə)
n. An abnormal tendency to dwell with longing on death.

Hence necromaniac, a person who indulges in necromania.

Apparently, Necromania is also the name of a porn movie.

If you are willing to coin a new word, it could be necro-centric.

If you don't mind being sarcastic, then coin the word necroholic, addicted to the subject of the dead.

Other necro words are: necromancy, necrology, necrological, necrologistics, necrophoresis.

Furthermore, the consumerist society that envelops Siskind results in his necrophiliac/necromaniac/necro-centric viewpoint of his surroundings.

If I were you, I would use necro-centric.