How to remove Home Folder icon from desktop in Ubuntu 20.04?

Solution 1:

Open the terminal and type the following command:

gsettings set show-home false

After you do this, the home folder icon should disappear from your desktop.

Solution 2:

The easiet way would be to install the package.. gnome-shell-extension-prefs

Once you install the package, you can find the app in all apps..

enter image description here

and then turning off the switch for "Show the personal folder in the desktop"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Same thing can be achieved with gnome-tweaks also, If you already Installed gnome-tweaks

Solution 3:

To remove both the trash icon and home icon:

gsettings set show-home false


gsettings set show-trash false

No need to install any additional software 👍