How can I block specific telephone numbers on my iPhone 4? [duplicate]

How can I block specific telephone numbers on my iPhone? I don't want to get call from specific numbers. if anyone call to me from the blocked number, he should receive a message that "this number does not exist" or "this number is busy" always.

There are applications that do this if you have jailbroken your iPhone. Without jailbreaking however there isn't a way to block a single or specific incoming number. I've known people that have requested their provider to block a certain number and without a very good (usually legal) reason, they won't do it.

The best thing you can do is record 30 seconds of silence in garage band and then use that as a ringtone for that specific number. Then at least the phone won't alert you.

If you want to block a specific number where they are given a msg, "Not Available, Blocked, etc" it is free, you DONT have to have any 'reason' except that you want them blocked. Any phone co. will do it (I'm 100% sure Verizon allows FREE blocking of up to 5 lines) I simply called Verizon n said block this #, they did, it expires after 3 months automatically, but you can simply renew it. I'de LOVE to have an app that could simple send specific numbers straight to Vm (like iBlacklist) without jail breaking my iPhone ;(

Pay $20 and port your phone number to Google Voice. Then Google can ignore calls from specific numbers.