How to make PuTTY settings persistent? [closed]

Solution 1:

Make your settings changes and then click on "Default Settings" under "Load, save or delete a stored session" (This is in the "Session" category) to select it. Then click "Save."

Solution 2:

I'm often bitten by that too.
What usually happen is, you set some options (usually just host/port) and save it.
Then latter you:

  • open putty
  • select your "saved session" (either by just selecting it by clicking on the name or selecting and clicking the load button[1])
  • change some other options
  • and connect by clicking the "Open" button

To make it work the way you expect, try doing it this way:

  • open putty
  • select the session you want to edit (click on its entry under the "Session" category)
  • Click the "Load" button
  • Make the changes you want to make
  • Go back to the "Session" category
  • Make sure the name of your saved session is correctly filled on the textbox for "Saved sessions"
  • Click save

To change the default settings, just do the same, but selecting the "Default Settings" entry on the "Saved Sessions" list.

Hope that helps

[1]: yeah, the UI is really not clear on how you're supposed to do it