Unexpected duplicate directory names after expanding `%~dp0` in a BAT file

This is a known bug/design deficiency within cmd.exe - %~dp0 and variants can give the wrong result if the path to the batch script was quoted.

There is a work-around. You can reliably get the value from within a CALLed subroutine (note that at least one modifier like ~d, ~f etc. must be used, else you get the subroutine :label)

@echo off
pushd %~dp0
echo From main fails: "%~dp0"
call :test
exit /b

echo From subroutine OK: "%~dp0"


d:\dir>"my files\test.bat"
From main fails: "d:\dir\my files\my files\"
From subroutine OK: "d:\dir\my files\"

As a workaround, store the directory up-front:

set "dir=%~dp0"

This is because %0 is really path-as-invoked (like argv arg 0), so in your examples it's either "my files"\run.bat or "my files\run.bat".

When you do %~dp0, cmd.exe is building up the full path relative to the current directory and then extracting the parts you asked for.

After you pushd, the 'full path' (%~f0) is going to be either:

C:\dir\my files\my files\run.bat
C:\dir\my files\my files"\run.bat

... and then trim off the filename to get your results.