Excel table inserting old formula in new rows. How can I reset to the new formula?

Solution 1:

Ah ha, found the simple solution! Had the same problem(s). Old formulas and lack of formulas in some columns were autofilling new rows in table.

There is a little helper that popped up while working in my table that says "Overwrite all cells in this column with the formula."

To trigger that helper popup, put cursor in a preferred formulated cell, then put cursor in formula bar, then press enter or click green check to finish 'editing' the formula. The helper popup should appear.

Solution 2:

Here is my workaround solution:

  1. copy and paste-values from the table column that needs to be fixed to a blank column not adjacent to the table.
  2. delete all the values from the table column
  3. put the preferred formula the first cell in the column. The table should auto-fill the table column with this formula.
  4. paste back the values from the temporary column into the table.

This is equivalent to turn-it-off-and-turn-it-on-again. It worked for me.