Where can I find the Tomcat 7 installation folder on Linux AMI in Elastic Beanstalk?

I have a elastic beanstalk linux-tomcat ami instance with the sample application installed and working off the public dns. I'm able to ssh into the instance but cannot find where tomcat 7 lives (ie. the conf directory to edit server.xml). I've tried this with a 64 and 32 bit ami. Any ideas on where I might find this? I looked under:


I did find a elasticbeanstalk-tomcat7-deployment file under tmp (was empty).

I did a:

sudo yum install tomcat7

and the sample application is also being served up from :8080 and working on the public DNS. So I (think) have 2 tomcat servers running on the same beanstalk instance. In that case, I'm trying to find where the Tomcat 7 folders are (serving pages on port 80).

Solution 1:

Since late 2012, it is usually under /usr/share/tomcat7.

Prior to that, it was usually found under /opt/tomcat7.

Solution 2:

Not sure if this would be helpful. I am using a similar Amazon Linux AMI, which has tomcat7 living under /usr/share/tomcat7.

If tomcat is already running on your machine you can try:

ps -ef | grep tomcat


ps -ef | grep java

to check where it's running from.

Solution 3:

  • If you want to find the webapp folder, it may be over here:


  • But you also can type this to find it:

find / -name 'tomcat_version' -type d

Solution 4:

Use "whereis" command.

$ whereis tomcat8
tomcat8: /usr/sbin/tomcat8 /etc/tomcat8 /usr/libexec/tomcat8 /usr/share/tomcat8

Solution 5:

As of October 3, 2012, a new "Elastic Beanstalk for Java with Apache Tomcat 7" Linux x64 AMI deployed with the Sample Application has the install here:


The /etc/tomcat7/tomcat7.conf file has the following settings:

# Where your java installation lives

# Where your tomcat installation lives