How to uninstall Virtualbox on windows10?
I would like to uninstall Virtualbox from my Windows10 computer, but I can not find it in the Programs and Features
list. I was looking for an uninstaller exe in the install directory and on the internet, but I haven't found anything.
How is it possible to remove it, and all of it's drivers?
It should be called "Oracle VM Virtualbox" under `Apps & features'. I assume you were just looking for "VirtualBox"
My Start Menu item for Oracle folder with VirtualBox had no Uninstall link either.
Here's how did it in my case (VirtualBox 5.x)
- Downloaded latest installer .exe package for 5.x from here
- Ran it and upgraded my older version
- Ran the same installer again, but this time chose Remove
NOTE: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\ExtensionPacks
still remained after uninstall so I manually deleted it. Also, as noted in comments, C:\Users\<usename>\Appdata\Local\.virtualbox
may also remain.