How to uninstall Virtualbox on windows10?

I would like to uninstall Virtualbox from my Windows10 computer, but I can not find it in the Programs and Features list. I was looking for an uninstaller exe in the install directory and on the internet, but I haven't found anything.

How is it possible to remove it, and all of it's drivers?

It should be called "Oracle VM Virtualbox" under `Apps & features'. I assume you were just looking for "VirtualBox"

My Start Menu item for Oracle folder with VirtualBox had no Uninstall link either.

Here's how did it in my case (VirtualBox 5.x)

  1. Downloaded latest installer .exe package for 5.x from here
  2. Ran it and upgraded my older version
  3. Ran the same installer again, but this time chose Remove

NOTE: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\ExtensionPacks still remained after uninstall so I manually deleted it. Also, as noted in comments, C:\Users\<usename>\Appdata\Local\.virtualbox may also remain.