Ubuntu: On-screen keyboard without typing

Solution 1:

xvkbd is a small on screen keyboard that is just fantastic.

enter image description here

UPDATE: for installation:

  1. untar the source in a directory, and move to the directory

  2. If you wish to use genuine Xaw insead of Xaw3d, edit Imakefile and remove (or comment-out) #define XAW3D.

    When you are installing xvkbd (for example) in very old systems, you may also want to remove #define XTEST and #define I18N to disable XTEST and internationalization facility respectively.

  3. Run xmkmf; make install install.man

Solution 2:

The only way to get an on-screen keyboard working, is by using a keyboard. Granted, it is easy to do — all you need to do is install onboard — but it is not possible to use Ubuntu without a keyboard.

I would be delighted to be corrected, and will accept any answer that gets an on-screen keyboard up using only the mouse.