Is there any information on when the Ubuntu One Music Store will add more countries?

According to the Ubuntu One Music Store help page, the following stores are currently available:

  • UK - Purchase songs in EUR.
  • US - Purchase songs in USD.
  • Germany - Purchase songs in EUR.
  • EU - Purchase songs in EUR. The countries in this region do not match the actual definition of the European Union. Customers in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland will use this store.
  • World - Purchase songs in EUR. Customers in countries not covered by the rest of the regional stores will use this store.

However, that doesn't include my country... and there's a note further down:

More country-specific regional stores will be added after the launch of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

Is there any information on what those are and when they're getting added?

Sorry. Still no news. Since launching the initial set of regions, we've learned that the main challenge with managing more stores is the time it takes to keep the merchandising pages somewhat fresh with music that customers care about.

We have made some progress on this front recently, though, and hope to devote some time soon to overcome this obstacle so we can move forward with more stores. I know many people are interested in this so I'll post something on the Ubuntu One blog as soon as I have more specific information.