How to find the derivative of an integral where both, the limit and the integrand, are functions of x?

I found a good expository paper by Keith Conrad, which explains by examples the technique of derivative under the integral sign. Here's the link:
In these examples, the integrand is a function of both $x$ (the variable on which the differentiation is intended) and the parameter $t$. However, in most of the examples given in the paper, the limits of integration are constants.

Then, there're these following links from, which have examples where the limit of the integral is a function of $x$ but the integrand itself is independent of $x$ (i.e. the integrand is solely a function of $t$).

I was looking for techniques for differentiating integrals of the following kind $$\int_0^{g(x)} h(x,t) dt$$ where both the limit and the integrand are functions of $x$. I would prefer to have some examples of course, but any insight is appreciated.

There is a full derivation here of a more general version:

$$ f(x) = \int_{s(x)}^{g(x)} h(x, t) dt $$

$$ \frac{df}{dx} = \int_{s(x)}^{g(x)} \partial_x h(x, t) dt + h(x, g(x)) \frac{dg}{dx} - h(x, s(x)) \frac{ds}{dx} $$

For sure, this is not a complete answer (since I must confess I do not remember how it is established), but, as far as I know, I think that it is$$\frac{d}{dx}\int_0^{g(x)} h(x,t)\, dt= h\big(x,g(x)\big)\,\frac{dg(x)}{dx}+\int_0^{g(x)} \frac{dh(x,t)}{dx}\, dt$$ The first term is just the application of the fundamental theorem of calculus.

It is easy to control that, at least, this holds using $h(x,t)=a(x)+b(t)$, $h(x,t)=a(x)\,b(t)$, $h(x,t)=\frac{a(x)}{b(t)}$ and for almost any composition where we can separate the variables.

I played with some more complex functions in which the variables cannot be separated and it works.

I hope and wish you will receive better answers.