Can one use Window.Onscroll method to include detection of scroll direction?

Solution 1:

If you record the scrollX and scrollY on page load and each time a scroll event occurs, then you can compare the previous values with the new values to know which direction you scrolled. Here's a proof of concept:

function scrollFunc(e) {
    if ( typeof scrollFunc.x == 'undefined' ) {
    var diffX=scrollFunc.x-window.pageXOffset;
    var diffY=scrollFunc.y-window.pageYOffset;

    if( diffX<0 ) {
        // Scroll right
    } else if( diffX>0 ) {
        // Scroll left
    } else if( diffY<0 ) {
        // Scroll down
    } else if( diffY>0 ) {
        // Scroll up
    } else {
        // First scroll event

Solution 2:

With jquery, you can also register a custom scroll event which supplies the scroll change as an argument to the event handler:

var previous_scroll = $(window).scrollTop();

$(window).on('scroll', function() {
    var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(),
        scroll_change = scroll - previous_scroll;
    previous_scroll = scroll;
    $(window).trigger('custom_scroll', [scroll_change]);

Then instead of scroll, bind to custom_scroll:

$(window).on('custom_scroll', function pos(e, scroll_change) {