How to recover an interrupted 12.04 upgrade from 11.10?

I was upgrading Ubuntu to 12.04 from 11.10 (x64) and right in the middle of the package installation I had a freeze (not Ubuntu's fault) forcing me to do a hard reset of my pc. Now the Ubuntu installation is completely broken I can only get access via recovery mode. I already tried apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and the option to fix broken packages. Nothing changed.

So I'm wondering if its possible to fix the broken packages, or maybe to restore before the upgrade?

Solution 1:

In the end the only solution I could find was to do a clean ubuntu 11.10 install and then upgrade to 12.04 via terminal in tty1 using the command sudo do-release-upgrade –d to avoid possible graphic issues as the first time. Anyway, thank you guys for your time.

You can also try a sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade