How to add an “open in new excel” in windows file explorer context menu?

I've asked a similar question before, about How to add a "duplicate this folder" in windows file explorer context menu? .

Similarly, is there an easy way, to add an item to windows explorer's context menu, i.e., when right click on a folder "X", there's a new item "open this in new excel", such that after clicking, the file will be opened not in current excel sessions, but in a new excel window?

From source

Create a Send-To-Excel shortcut

  1. Open this folder : C:/Users/UserName/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/SendTo

You might have to show hidden and system files to be able to view the folder AppData. Change UserName to whatever your username is.

  1. Create a shortcut to Excel there. You can copy an existing Excel shortcut on desktop or taskbar.