What are the different places on the map?

Less than 10 blocks away from the village:

  • In the forests (T), you can encounter Snarling Beasts
  • On the fields(,), you can encounter Strange birds
  • On barrens, (.), you can encounter Gaunt Men.

More than 10 but less than 20 blocks away from the village:

  • In the forests (T), you can encounter Man-Eaters
  • On the fields(,), you can encounter Huge Lizards
  • On barrens, (.), you can encounter Shivering Men and Scavengers

More than 20 blocks away from the village:

  • In the forests (T), you can encounter Feral Terrors
  • On the fields(,), you can encounter Snipers
  • On barrens, (.), you can encounter Soldiers

Looking at the source code, the three terrain types above do not effect the encounter rate. On paths, (#) you can never encounter battles. (thanks to Batophobia for reminding me)Also, the stealthy perk, which you can get from sparing the thief, lowers it.

Update: Looking at the code, I made a discovery! It appears that you can only get certain enemies on certain terrain at certain distances from the village! Changed the list above to account for it.

    IRON_MINE: 'I',
    COAL_MINE: 'C',
    FOREST: 'T',
    FIELD: ',',
    BARRENS: '.',
    ROAD: '#',
    HOUSE: 'H',
    CAVE: 'V',
    TOWN: 'O',
    CITY: 'Y',
    OUTPOST: 'P',
    SHIP: 'W',
    BOREHOLE: 'B',
    SWAMP: 'M

these are from the javascript